Leading Italian company in the sector, it specializes exclusively in the distribution of plush toys. Over the years, due to organizational and market needs, it has transformed itself from “exclusive production” to “distribution” of plush toys and since 1985 has been using valid, and by now consolidated, foreign collaborators for the production of its products. , while maintaining the unmistakable craftsman style.
Based on the long production experience, foreign partners are given all the details for the realization of our products starting from the designs, shapes, colors and sizes. This is why all our toys stand out for their exclusive “made in Italy design”, appreciated throughout the world, which enhances their style and quality.
The internal organization has been set up by calibrating the best of its corporate staff, thus allowing an excellent and winning value for money.
Distribution on the Italian market is mainly aimed at wholesalers and large retailers through the best and specialized sales network of 12 agents who are particularly attentive to customer requests. As well as being dynamic and attentive to the needs of the market, the creative and managerial staff of the company are skilled in offering not only excellent product quality but also adequate service, in full compliance with the needs of both the initial purchaser and of the final consumer.
Our Hystory
It was the end of 1959 when Angelo Venturelli, worker, was pleased for hobby to create animals in plush in his house’s cellar…. He prepared the models on paper, cutting out them on pile texture and to his wife Rita sewed them (at the epoch dressmaker) and she stuffed them with straw or cork; everything, rigorously to hand. Once ended, the toys were systematically given as a present to relatives and friends and he was proud of them. Only some year later, since the applications were made more and more numerous, he decided that his destiny would have been to become a real artisan on the working of plush toys.
Living in Palazzolo S/O, at that time a small town of Brescia province, the voice of this manufacturing artisan of toys had dispersed suddenly, and the first applications of local merchants, to which followed the first contacts with itinerant and small dealers. The activity began to give first satisfactions and here the laboratory in the cellar was transferred…. in the attic. The years pass, not always easy, but the approaches with the world of the commerce are made bigger and bigger and began the first relation-ships with a real net sale, before only one, and then more agents, this brought to the acquisition of more customers; participating at the first exhibitions, the company becomes to be known at national level. Now attic of house starts also to become tight too…
The activity is widened and needs more space to place machines and the production department. After the continuous evolution of the job and the found success, in 1973 the company is moved to the actual centre of Capriolo. This, shortly, is our history, surely common to all those peoples that, as the founder Angelo Venturelli, were able to create from the nothing a solid something and lasting in the time, began for game and that still continuous…